viernes, 28 de agosto de 2015

Evaluation of your Blogging Experience

Well, here we go.

I think this kind of class are really good. We can talk about anything inside of a topic and i have to accept that this is my first time begging as a blogger and this is really fine.
I learn a lot of words writing my blogs, and this is a good way for improve our redaction and even our pronuntiation, because when i writing this, at the same time im trying to say it in my mind. Is a good complement for grow our english
I think could be good use our blog for do another things, like write an fairy tale (?) or an story for childs
For me, the last blog was really interesting, because we wrote about an book (thing that i really like). Another topic that I hope to write is about computer games. This is for me means my half life, I expend a lot of time improving my skills for be the best player in my country (I did it) and one of the best in our region (Latam). I hope in a near future we could do a blog about our own topic, this will be so much motivating for everyone on this class.

                                                           I feel like him

viernes, 21 de agosto de 2015

Your favorite Book

This time im going to talk you about my favorite book. This is "Así habló Zaratrustra" by Fredrich Nietzsche

I dont remember which it was, but i think was something kind of children's literature, but i start to like books when i was 16 yo.

I have a lot of favorite authors, all about philosophy, between them are Nietzsche, Heidegger and Sócrates. I like the first two because they wrote about existencialism, my favorite topic in philosophy, and the last one (Sócrates) is because he changed the history of philosophy and put the beginning, even that all the previous philosophy was called pre-socratic.

How i mentioned i like philosophy, but sometimes i read something about History or some books about our career (not for satisfaction, just for obligation). I must confess that i did read Harry Potter.

I'm actually right now reading a book about Platón (not from him, is just about him) that is called "La verdad está en otra parte" by E.A Dal Maschio

I like a lot of authors about philosophy, but im still dont know everyone. I hope in the near future i can learn much more about this, because for me is my passion.

Please, dont interpret this literally, you must know about what he's talking about

viernes, 14 de agosto de 2015

Fast Food

I think fast food is good way for dinner, lunch or sometimes even for breakfast, because is cheap and pretty exquisite, but, isnt too healthy how it taste. This kind of food is really good for people who hasn't too much time for eat while they are working or for anothers who wants take a good time eating this magical food. However is a good choice if u like taste differentes kind of food like chinesse (China wok), german (Fritz) and even mexican like Tacco Bells that I really like. I go there pretty usually like once per mounth. My favourite meal there is the Burrito. I don't know what mexican were thinking when they invented this, but is so much delicious.

Where's my fried chicken, nigga?

viernes, 31 de julio de 2015

An Expert on my Field

For this post i want to talk about a person that admire too much, he's Frederick Winslow Taylor.

He was born in 1856 in Philadelphia, USA and he was dead in 1915 for a pneumonia. 

He was an American mechanical engineer who sought to improve industrial efficiency. He was one of the first management consultants. Taylor was one of the intellectual leaders of the Efficiency Movement and his ideas, broadly conceived, were highly influential in the Progressive Era

I really like his job because he revolutionized the entire kind of work in Europe, making the system all different and growing up the efficiency. His work since today is a big input for how we look Public Administration.

viernes, 15 de mayo de 2015

My favourite Piece of Technology

Hi everyone, i want to talk about my favorite technology device. It is my Computer (PC). My parents bought my first pc when i was 7 years old, in that time we didnt have internet yet, for that reason the main use for my pc was play Pokemon

I did play a lot of time this game, days and days and i never get bored.

Now, the main use on this device for me is about my academic stuffs, something like search and read papers, books in pdf format, write essay for differents signatures, etc. And the otherwise  i use it for play my favourite game, DotA 2. Here i considered as a semi-professional player, playing in the best team from Chile and one of the best in Latín América. I guess now this is the strongest thing why i love my computer, i have to practice a lot of time on that (like 10 hours per each weekend day), watching replays or learning more about the game. 
You can take a look about our professional information on wiki HERE
I think my life would be different without my pc, because for me this means a big part of my day. Gaming is a kind of life that i love living. My pc isn't the best talking about technology or quality, is a pretty old device, but is enought for give me my best momments of my day and the worst as well.

I <3 U PC

viernes, 8 de mayo de 2015

Expectations for a New Semester

I want to say that this year has been so lazzy for me. I dont feel any motivation this year. I think my carrer is so boring, but im here for the money. All my subjects are so boring, someone like administration theory, but i think the main problem is with our teachers and our enviromment. First one with our teachers because they cant motivate with their class and also sometimes i feel them so weak and tired. They use dont use expressions and their kind of evaluation is just classic and monotonous. The another one is because our building is so poor, precarious classrooms, rats in our coffe shop and yard. Our library is just ridicouless, four tables and some computers in a minimal space. I seriously this is a joke for a student from Universidad de Chile, who said they are the best in the country and one of the best in latin america. I spect big chances the next year, new building with good classrooms, a decent coffe shop and the meantime generate a change in our teachers, motivating them and making their class much more didactic as well